Success Stories

Many companies have already adopted cloud within their architectures and using its benefits daily. However, for many others this is still a “terra incognita”, which needs to be discovered. This service is tailored to initiate and master the cloud adoption process.

1500 1200 admin

Tax accounting system

CTO received scalable and manageable infrastructure by introducing AWS. His team gained back more time for product development with Ansible infrastructure as a code implementation and automated test environments provisioning.

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1500 1200 admin

E-commerce platform

Key development team gained back control over product quality by decreased risk of broken deploys and freed up their hands for product improvements by deployment automation and infrastructure monitoring introduction.

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1200 482 admin

Flight Booking Service

Product team enjoyed faster time to market by more frequent deploys thanks to Jenkins integration. CTO gained better scaled as well as cost-efficient infrastructure with infrastructure as a code automation and hence increased his productivity by c.30%.

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1500 1200 admin

Social Network Startup

Development team received end to end solution for automated development and production environments launch and quick deploy with integrated Jenkins and containerised AWS infrastructure

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1200 482 admin

Q&A web platform for education

CTO increased his productivity by c.25%, Lead Architect – by c.40%, direct salary costs to support infrastructure were squeezed by 55% with the help of Continuous Delivery, infrastructure as a code and automated environments provisioning implementation with Docker and Selenium on AWS

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