Q&A web platform for education

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Success Story

Q&A web platform for education

CTO increased his productivity by c.25%, Lead Architect – by c.40%, direct salary costs to support infrastructure were squeezed  by 55% with the help of Continuous Delivery, infrastructure as a code and automated environments provisioning implementation with Docker and Selenium on AWS


A lot of manual work to deploy, distracted development team. Manual infrastructure setup caused high maintenance costs and


Q&A web platform for education


June 2015 – Now


Infrastructure as a code automation: Chef
Continuous delivery: Jenkins
Automated test with test environment provisioning in AWS: Docker and Selenium
Logs collection and monitoring: ELK stack + Zabbix + Slack integration


Implementing infrastructure as a code and continuous deployment helped startup to:

Deliver features faster to end user

Rapidly create testing environments for developers

Allowed to scale application easy reduced infrastructure maintenance costs

Team leads can deploy continuously on production

CTO increased his productivity by 25% and Lead Architect by 40%

Decreased by 55% direct salary costs to support the infrastructure